Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Smooth Transition?!

SWAC Girl reported yesterday that nearly all high ranking officials at RPV had resigned and left on Monday.


But today, Bearing Drift reports that a "senior member of the Frederick transition team" (please, what is this, the White House?) says the transition has been "smooth and cooperative".


I suppose it's all about one's perspective. If you wanted to replace the entire RPV staff, then having everyone leave could certainly be viewed as "smooth and cooperative". Smooth because they left without a fight and cooperative because they did exactly what you wanted.

1 comment:

JTylerBallance said...

There's no melodrama.

The old team leaders have resigned, and rightfully so. There remains a few core staff people to help provide a smooth turnover.

This is how a well managed transition should look.

Already one can hear the attitude is much brighter, optimistic and helpful, when talking by phone or in person with the RPVA staff.

Jeff Frederick's Chairmanship will be historic in that he and those who unite behind him, will steer the GOP back onto the winning track and bring our Party forward with renewed commitment to less government and more freedom for our citizens.